Thursday, July 12, 2012 fresh tomatoes!

                      Howdy faithful blog reader(s)! I know there is at least one of you out there....
The 4th of July came and went. We did indeed have us a party with my sisters and their peeps, it was a very nice day, cool weather, good food, good company and wonderful fireworks from my very own front yard! Now, you may be asking yourself, are not fireworks illegal in my city? Yes, m'am, that is correct! Then how did I just so happen to plop down in my loveseat with my hubby and oooooh and ahhhhh without driving in the car and fighting the crowds? For some reason, unbeknownst to me, there are some who are allowed to put on HUGE displays within the city limits, without ANY fines, fees or punishments whatsoever. I do not question the perspective of the proper authorities in their ignorance but just sit back and enjoy the celebration. It really was incredible!!!!I'm not talking about sparklers, or little popping noises .Some of these fireworks were very impressive. At some point in time my photographer, who seems to be on a brief hiatus at the moment,  will download some of these impressive, monstrous displays of  illegal color and I will share them with y'all. But for now, I will talk about our tomatoes.......since I do have a  photo of pretty, red tomatoes!
           So, we've got tomatoes goin' on here! Some sort of cherry-type that maybe cross-pollinated with a larger type and voila, I am happy! Mainly because I  do not buy tomatoes unless they are home-grown delicious! And these are good and we will have lots of them.....And combined with my neighbor's wonderful HOT Peppers, which I made into an incredibly mouth-burning experience(see my post on hot sauce), and a beautiful onion provided by Farmer Jeff, I made some pretty good tasting salsa today.... tomatoes + onions + hot sauce = Yummy! Really good on Rice and Lentil Casserole( a staple in our diet around here). So what is your favorite type of tomato? How do you use all of your tomatoes? Please share!!!!

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